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1Charter reference—General powers, rights and liabilities, ch. II; government, ch. III; City Manager, ch. III, § 2; Mayor, ch. V; bonds and oaths of office, ch. IX; conflict of interest, ch. XI, personnel system, ch. XXV.

Cross reference—Aviation Advisory Board, § 4-215 et seq.; Airport Zoning Committee, § 4-237; Airport Board of Adjustment, § 4-245; Civic Plaza, ch. 10A; civil defense, ch. 11; elections, ch. 12; political activities or contributions by City employees, § 12-234; influencing vote of City employee, § 12-236; finance, ch. 13; human relations, ch. 18; License Appeal Board, § 19-12 et seq.; wearing badge or insignia of public officer, § 23-21; smoking in City buildings, § 23-104; public library, ch. 26; Library Advisory Board, § 26-1 et seq.; Library Department, § 26-5 et seq.; Citizens’ Wastewater Rate Advisory Committee, § 28-57 et seq.; Superintendent of Streets, § 31-2 et seq.; Urban Renewal Commission, § 35-2 et seq.; traffic administration, § 36-2 et seq.; Water Utilities Appraisal Review Board, § 37-96 et seq.; Citizens’ Water Rate Advisory Committee, § 37-102 et seq.; Sealer of Weights and Measures, § 38-1; Rehabilitation Appeals Board, § 39-31 et seq.; Slum Property Designation Appeals Panel, § 39-44; risk management, ch. 42.