Chapter 32B FLOODPLAINS1 Revised
This chapter is included in your selections.
- Article I. Authorization and Purpose
- Article II. Definitions
- Article III. General Provisions
- Sec. 32B-6. Lands to which this chapter applies.
- Sec. 32B-7. Basis for establishing special flood hazard areas.
- Sec. 32B-8. Compliance.
- Sec. 32B-9. Abrogation and greater restrictions.
- Sec. 32B-9A. Interpretation.
- Sec. 32B-10. Disclaimer of liability.
- Sec. 32B-11. Statutory exceptions.
- Sec. 32B-12. Violations.
- Sec. 32B-13. Declaration of public nuisance.
- Sec. 32B-14. Abatement of violations.
- Sec. 32B-15. Reserved.
- Sec. 32B-16. Severability.
- Article IV. Administration Revised
- Article V. Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction Revised
- Sec. 32B-20. Standards of construction. Revised
- Sec. 32B-21. Standards for storage of materials and equipment.
- Sec. 32B-22. Standards for water supply and waste disposal systems.
- Sec. 32B-23. Additional development standards, including subdivisions.
- Sec. 32B-24. Standards for manufactured homes.
- Sec. 32B-25. Standards for recreational vehicles.
- Sec. 32B-26. Floodways.
- Article VI. Variance Procedure