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Section 1224. Design Alternatives.
This section is included in your selections.

The Design Review Committee (DRC) shall oversee and approve design alternatives and sustainability bonus appeals.

A. A design alternative is a deviation from the prescribed standards and design guidelines that would result in a furtherance of the goals and policies of the Downtown Phoenix Plan and the specific intent of the subject Character Area as approved by the DRC.

1. The following may be modified by the DRC up to 25 percent from the prescribed standards: including minimum/maximum setbacks; lot coverage; frontage type standards (but not frontage type); landscaping; and parking.

2. Substitute methods of meeting the intent of development guidelines may be also be approved by the DRC.

3. A design alternative shall be reviewed and acted upon by the DRC in accordance with the procedural requirements of Section 507 of the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance.

4. A certificate of approval from the DRC shall be included on the final site plan.

B. Sustainability Bonus. This is a deviation from the prescribed development standards that would result in a furtherance of the goals and policies of the Downtown Phoenix Plan. Height, density, lot coverage, minimum parking standards, maximum parking standards and required open space may be increased or decreased based upon earned credits outlined in Section 1223. Substitute methods of meeting the intent of specific credits may also be approved by the DRC with an appeal application.

1. Each sustainability bonus application shall include, at a minimum, the following:

a. A listing of the credits that are being utilized and any support documentation (to be sealed by a licensed professional);

b. Site plan;

c. Building elevations;

d. Context plan;

e. A narrative statement describing any deviation from the prescribed credit(s) that indicates how the proposed standard is furthering the goals and policies of the Downtown Phoenix Plan and quantifiable improvement in the buildings performance;

f. Such other information as may be required by the Planning and Development Director or DRC.

2. In order to approve a sustainability bonus, the City must make findings as follows:

a. That the project is consistent with the intent stated for the subject Character Area;

b. That the project is improving the overall performance of the building through generally accepted building and design standards and innovation; and

c. The increased entitlements are consistent with the improved performance of the building.

3. A sustainability bonus shall be reviewed and acted upon by the City in accordance with the procedural requirements of Section 507 of the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance.

4. In approving a sustainability bonus, the City may impose any reasonable conditions to ensure that the approval complies with the findings required above.

5. A certificate of compliance shall be included on the final site plan. (Ord. No. G-5480, 2010; Ord. No. G-5562, 2010; Ord. No. G-5777, 2013)