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Section 671. Planned Unit Development (PUD).
This section is included in your selections.

A. Purpose. The Planned Unit Development (PUD) is intended to create a built environment that is superior to that produced by conventional zoning districts and design guidelines. Using a collaborative and comprehensive approach, an applicant authors and proposes standards and guidelines that are tailored to the context of a site on a case by case basis. These standards and guidelines will be based primarily on the following:

1. Uses. Appropriate limitations will be placed on the character and intensity of permitted uses to promote neighborhood compatibility.

2. Development standards. Development standards will be established that complement the dimensions and physical features of a site and the character of the neighborhood.

3. Design guidelines. Design guidelines will reflect compatible and innovative architecture and development as expressed in the PUD Design Expectations Document that can be found on file with the City of Phoenix Planning and Development Department.

4. Sustainability. Development will be designed to respond to our region’s unique environmental and urban challenges.

B. Applicability.

1. Existing overlay districts and regulatory portions of specific plans and special planning districts, as described in the Zoning Ordinance, may not be removed or modified by a PUD.

2. Where the approved PUD narrative is silent on a requirement, the applicable Zoning Ordinance provision shall control.

3. PUD applications for a property where the gross land area is three hundred twenty (320) acres or more shall submit Master Plans, as described in the establishment of district, Planned Community District (PCD) Section of the Zoning Ordinance. Master plans may be required at the discretion of the Planning and Development Department for projects less than three hundred twenty (320) acres if the proposed intensity/density of the project impacts existing infrastructure. Master plans shall be approved prior to preliminary site plan approval.

4. City Council may attach a stipulation to a PUD to commence development within a specific timeframe.

5. Outdoor advertising structures shall comply with Section 705.2.

C. Permitted Uses. Any permitted use which is described in the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance may be proposed. Uses shall be listed within the development narrative. Uses may include permitted, permitted with conditions, temporary or accessory uses.

D. General Requirements.

1. The application for the PUD District shall conform to the zoning map amendment (rezoning) section of the Zoning Ordinance.

2. There shall be a development narrative included in the application that contains items as stated in the development narrative submittal requirements document that can be found on file with the City of Phoenix Planning and Development Department. The development narrative shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

a. Purpose and intent.

b. Legal description.

c. List of uses.

d. Development standards, including, but not limited to, density (residential projects), building height, setbacks, and lot coverage.

e. Design guidelines.

f. Infrastructure.

E. PUD Amendments.

1. Major amendments. Amendments to the approved PUD narrative that are determined to be major amendments shall follow the application and approval process stated in the zoning map amendment (rezoning) section of the Zoning Ordinance. Amendments shall be considered major if they include any of the following:

a. A change in the PUD boundary.

b. Any change in the height, density, setback, or lot coverage development standards.

c. Any change in the location of a land use depicted on the land use plan in the development narrative.

d. Any addition to the list of uses in the development narrative.

e. Any change to the design guidelines that is inconsistent with the intent of the PUD as described in the development narrative.

2. Minor amendments. Amendments not meeting the criteria for a major amendment shall be deemed to be minor amendments and may be administratively approved by the Planning and Development Director or designee.

3. Conceptual site plans and elevations. Amendments may be made to conceptual site plans and/or elevations unless the proposed modifications fail to meet the development standards of the PUD. Amendments to conceptual site plans and/or elevations that change the development standards approved with the PUD development narrative shall follow the PUD amendment process.

a. Planning and Development Department administrative review. The Planning and Development Department may administratively approve modifications to site plans and/or elevations that result in one or more of the following:

(1) An increase in building height less than five percent;

(2) Any change in density less than five percent;

(3) A change in building or landscape setbacks less than five percent;

(4) Any increase in open space;

(5) Any change in traffic circulation that positively impacts traffic circulation or increases traffic or pedestrian safety; or

(6) An increase in building footprint less than five percent.

b. Planning Hearing Officer public hearing process. The Planning Hearing Officer, through the public hearing process, may approve proposed modifications to conceptual site plans and/or elevations that do not meet the criteria for Planning and Development Department administrative review. (Ord. No. G-5137, 2008; Ord. No. G-5670, 2011)