This chapter is included in your selections.
- Section 801. Title.
- Section 802. Purpose.
- Section 803. Definitions.
- Section 804. Historic Preservation Commission.
- Section 805. Historic Preservation Officer.
- Section 806. Temporary Restraint of Demolition.
- Section 807. Procedure to Establish Historic Preservation District.
- Section 808. Landmark Designation.
- Section 809. Procedure to Remove HP Zoning Designation.
- Section 810. Permitted Uses; Suffix "HP," "HP-L."
- Section 811. Effect of HP Zoning Designation.
- Section 812. Review Process On Application For Certificate of No Effect, or Certificate of Appropriateness.
- Section 813. Demolition or Moving of Structures.
- Section 814. Economic Hardship.
- Section 815. Phoenix Historic Property Register.
- Section 816. Enforcement; Violations; Penalties.
1Editor’s note—Ord. No. G-5599, (TA-4-11), § 1, adopted March 23, 2011, effective April 22, 2011, amended portions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Phoenix, Arizona, to reflect the consolidation of the Planning Department with the Development Services Department and change all references to the department name to Planning and Development Department.