Checking for Recent Changes

Recent Updates

This site lists amendments to the code(s) that have been codified in the last 6 months. To see the list, click the Track button in the main navigation bar, then click “Recent Updates.”

Main navigation bar with the Track menu open and the Recent Updates item highlighted.

The amendments are listed in reverse chronological order. Click a link in the Section column to navigate to the amended section, or click a link in the Enactment(s) column to view information on the amending enactment.

Recent Updates page including page number buttons and a table of updated sections with Section, Status, Date, and Enactment(s) columns.

Recently amended chapters and sections are also tagged in the Contents dialog and in chapter digests with a green Revised label.

Chapter digest showing two sections, one with a blue Amended tag and the other with both a blue Amended tag and a green Revised tag.

In the heading of a recently amended section, a longer green label describes each amendment and links to the enactment(s) involved.

Section heading including a blue label reading “This section has been amended by Ord. 29, Series 2022, which is pending 9/27/2022 effective date.” and a green label reading “This section was recently amended by Ord. 35, Series 2021, codified in May 2022.”

Pending Updates

This site lists new enactments that have been adopted but have not yet taken effect and/or been codified. To see the list, click the Track button in the main navigation bar, then click “Pending Updates.”

Main navigation bar with the Track menu open and the Pending Updates item highlighted.

This list is a filtered version of the Legislative History view.

Legislative History page including a Filters button with a “Pending Codification” filter listed, page number buttons, and a table of enactments with Number, Description, Action Date, and Disposition columns.

The sections affected by these pending enactments are also tagged in the Contents dialog and in chapter digests with a blue label reading “Enacted,” “Amended,” or “Repealed” (see above).

Chapter digest showing two sections, one with a blue Amended tag and the other with both a blue Amended tag and a green Revised tag.

In the heading of a section with pending amendment(s), a longer blue label describes each amendment and links to the enactment(s) involved.

Section heading including a blue label reading “This section has been amended by Ord. 29, Series 2022, which is pending 9/27/2022 effective date.” and a green label reading “This section was recently amended by Ord. 35, Series 2021, codified in May 2022.”